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Gari and cassava production – a small business that can change your life!
Gari and cassava production in Africa is an impressive business opportunity for the continent, especially West and Central Africa.
Cassava is one of the most popular and widely consumed food crops in Africa.
Because it is such an important food in the region and an extremely versatile crop, it is commonly referred to as cornerstone of food security in Africa.
The competing needs for cassava cut across both human and animal consumption. It is fast becoming a popular raw material in industrial production and is now a preferred material for making biofuels.
As Africa’s population and economy continues to grow rapidly, the demand for food staples like cassava has increased. This high demand for various forms of processed cassava is pushing prices to the ceiling.
Several small scale cassava farmers are making a fortune and changing their lives through this business.
Let’s explore the opportunities in cassava production and possible areas you can exploit…
Garri and cassava
Why is cassava an important food crop for Africa?
Cassava is highly adaptable to the African tropical climate and soils, and remains very popular for producing excellent harvests even when other crops fail. It is also the most widely available source of carbohydrates and dietary energy in Africa.
Processed forms of cassava, especially gari (or garri), fufu and tapioca, are very common throughout West Africa. Gari is hugely popular in the region as it has traditionally remained cheaper than other carbohydrate sources, especially rice and maize.
This has aptly earned it the nickname “the common man’s food”.
Garri processing flow chart
Interesting resources for the gari and cassava production business in Africa
If your curiousity permits, the following resources will prove to be very useful if you would like to get more market information about the cassava and gari market.
These links are to external websites and we sincerely apologise if they are by any means dead.
Opportunities in the Industrial Cassava Market in Nigeria: This resource is a study by the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA). It broadly outlines the various opportunities in cassava production in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. It’s quite eye opening!
Cassava: International market profile – This study by the Trade and Market Division of the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), a United Nations agency, provides a very interesting insight into the global cassava trade. Should you need a reason to dream big for your cassava farming business, this is it!
If you have any experience in this area, we’re sure a lot of people reading this would love to learn from you. Please leave a comment in the section below or share this opportunity with a friend.
Remember, you can find more interesting success stories and business opportunities like this one in the Business ideas section of Smallstarter.
To your success!