Cassava chips machine operation method
Mar 02, 2017
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The present cassava chips processing method is very simple, consisting in mechanically slicing the cassava roots and then dry the slices. The recovery rate of chips from roots is about 20-40 percent. When the roots are not sorted, peeled and washed, the chips are usually brown in colour and have a high content of fibre sand and foreign objects as well as hydrocyanic acid. Trimming, peeling and washing the roots in a similar manner as for the cassava flour processing are recommended in order to produce white cassava chips of superior quality.
Cassava chips machine
The roots are shredded in a special machine. The cassava chips machine consists of a rotating notched cutting disk or knife blades equipped with a hopper. The cassava roots are cut into thin slices and pieces as they pass through the machine. A cassava chipping machine can do in one hour the work that used to take three days by hand.
Cassava chips drying machine could consume wood, diesel and gas. Using the average heating to dry the cassava chips efficiency. The cassava chips moisture content is only 14 per cent: dry chips can be stored longer and are cheaper to transport.