Complete cassava chips production line


Nov 07, 2016

Complete cassava chips production line

The production of cassava chips is the most simple way of obtaining a product, on the basis of cassava, which will keep and which can be stored. Cassava chips are for the purpose of self-sufficiency, as e.g. in West Africa as well as for obtaining income and foreign currency.

The cassava chips production line always follows the same pattern and more or less shows a high degree of mechanization. Slight deviations from this lead to chips with varying quality features reflecting the regional demand and flavour preferences. The possible variations on the standard processes here, will be dispensed with at this point. Firstly, these are far too numerous, often-only of regional importance, and secondly, documentation on this is rare.

cassava and cassava chips

Cassava and cassava chips

Chips are not only made from cassava but can also be produced from yams. Due to the lower content of dry matter in yams in comparison to cassava correspondingly more energy has to be used to dry them. Seen from the volume of production, cassava chips are far more significant than yam chips. As the cassava chips production line for both products are virtually identical the method of producing yam chips is not to be discussed at this point.

Introduction of cassava chips production line:

a. Cassava peeling:  Production of cassava chips starts with the peeling of the cassava. Peeling can be done mechanically or manually. Mechanical peelers peel as much as 2,400 –2,500Kg per hour with a wastage rate of 30-40% while manual peeling does 22Kg per man hour and wastage of 20-25%. Mechanical peelers are problematic because of the non-uniform nature of the cassava roots and the irregularity in size which make smooth peeling difficult. Also, the thickness of the skin, the texture and the strength of adhesion to the flesh of the tuber differ from specie to specie thereby making over-peeling and under-peeling possible. As a result of these problems, processors prefer manual peeling for now till the mechanical is perfected.

cassava washing and peeling machine

Cassava washing and peeling machine

b. Cassava washing: The peeled tubers are thoroughly washed to remove all dirt and sand that may adhere to them. Export requirements insist that sand content should not be more than 2%.

cassava chips machine

Cassava chips machine

c. Cassava chipping: The washed tubers are carted to the chipping machines where they are chipped into small chips of about 1-2 centimetre thickness and 6-7 cm long. The sizes at times depend on the prescription of the order.

cassava chips drying machine

Cassava chips drying machine

d. Cassava chips drying: The wet chips are taken to the Rotary Dryer where they are dried to 12-14% moisture content.

e. Packing: they are then weighed and bagged in 50kg polypropylene bags and stored.

If you have any questions about the cassava chips production line, or you want to start a business of cassava flour processing plant and need to collect more informations,weclome to contact us,our engineer will give you help and professional suggestions according to your request.We will service you at 24 hours.


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