What are the sales channels of processed cassava starch?
What is cassava?
An edible root crop with about 20% starch content or 80% on dry matter basis. Also called yuca, manioc, mandioca and tapioca.
Cassava root is stable in the ground, but will degrade as soon as it is harvested.
Cassava roots have approximately 9 – 12 months cycle and give relative high yields (10 to 60 MT per HA).
Needs ambient temperatures of >30 °C, ideal for warmer countries. Africa is in top 3 global producers.
3rd largest source of carbohydrates/ starch for human food in the world.
Cassava peeling machine
Cassava has many advantages for processed cassava starch production:
1.High level of purity.
2.Excellent thickening characteristics.
3.A neutral (bland) taste.
4.Desirable textural characteristics.
A relatively cheap source of raw material containing a high concentration of processed cassava starch that can equal or surpass the properties offered by other starches (maize, wheat, sweet potato, and rice).
Application of cassava starch
What are the sales channels of processed cassava starch:
Food: Bread; Pasta; Noodles; Sauces; Beverages; other.
Non Food: Carton industry; Mosquito coils.
Bio fuels: Home fuels business.
If you want to start a cassava starch factory,and want to get more questions about the cassava starch processing machine,weclome to contact us,and our engineer will give you professional and feasibility program including the best cost.